Focused ultrasounds can be used to ablate prostate tissues affected by cancer. Aside treatments such as curietherapy, cryotherapy, hormone therapy and chemotherapy, the HIFU method enables you to keep a decent quality of life after the process.You can find further information about focused ultrasounds and HIFU below.
Further information about focused ultrasound
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound treatment eradicates cancerous cells located within the prostate. The high volume of focused ultrasounds will heat the temperature in the targeted area which will destroy localized tumor cells. This technique is usually operated under general or spinal anesthesia. HIFU can be used to treat the whole prostate or only a part of the organ. It can also be focal, where the physician will intervene thanks to MRI or a biopsy and real-time ultrasound images. Please note HIFU is non-invasive and enables the patient to maintain his quality of life, side-effects of focused ultrasounds being low compared to other prostate cancer treatments.
Benefits of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) includes several benefits compared to other prostate treatments methods. Unlike external radiotherapy which requires between 6 and 8 weeks, the HIFU method only demands a 1 or 2 day- stay at the hospital. The recovery period is also reduced thanks to the absence of blood loss or other related trauma. The non-invasive aspect of the treatment also contributes in its success. Furthermore, HIFU minimizes side effects and especially about incontinence and erection issues. A benefit which shall not be neglected when it comes to choosing the right prostate treatment method with your doctor. Please note that only patients with a stage T1 or T2 prostate cancer are eligible to such a treatment. A 7 or less gleason score is also required. You can find further information on the matter via this link.